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Pool Day  
Day 12 - August 5, 2008  
August 5, 2008

Pool Day
Beaches and Cream
Magic Kingdom
  Downtown disney
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Today is a LAZY day!  :-)  We had thought about going to a water park, but just don't feel like getting up, driving and being there by 9am to beat the crowds.  So we slept in, lazed around the room and ate some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then headed out to the pool.  We started out in Stormalong Bay and swam in pretty much every section starting with some slide time and working our way over to the sandbar. 






Around 3pm or so we headed to Beaches and Cream for a late lunch.   I think they'll know us on sight after this trip!  :-D  The wait for the table was about 30 minutes or so, and we spent that time in the arcade playing a few games.  Before long it was our turn and we enjoyed a nice lunch and of course, more ice cream.  Kristen and I shared this time (she hates that! ;-) ) and the girls had split a meal and then Maddy enjoyed the included Mickey Sundae while Brinn got to have her Frozen Sunshine - an absolute favorite!   We headed out of there and I'd had enough pool time for a while and headed back to the room for a snooze and some typing/laundry/patio sitting.  Like I said - a lazy day!

In the evening we decided to head over to the Magic Kingdom for a bit.  We love this park in the evening, and felt like grabbing a quick bite to eat and then wander around the park.  When we got there it was PACKED.  Not sure why, but tonight it was open until midnight (not extra magic hours, just open late).  Storm clouds were all around us so we dashed off to Cosmic Ray's for a light/quick dinner.   It rained a bit, and lightening was flashing for quite some time - but it seemed that few left the park.  It was still pretty busy. 





We rode Teacups which had a short line, and then made it to Mickey's Philharmagic to get out of a bit more rain.    After that we were headed toward Frontierland and Kristen was NOT feeling well.  Not really the food or anything, it had started earlier in the day and was getting worse as the day went on.  Maddy was also a bit tired so they decided to head back to the resort early.  Brinn and I are the diehards and decided to keep going.  We rode Big Thunder and pirates and Magic Carpets and even hit the Jungle Cruise.  It was full dark by now and that ride was EMPTY.  There was one other couple on board, so we got lots of attention, and Brinn even got to drive the boat through the old temple. (Boat driver was too scared as is evident from the picture... Or was that because of Brinn's driving!???  I'll let you know when she turns 16 and I take her out myself!  ;-)  Anyway - we made it back safe and sound and I think several of the walls of the temple are still in place!  :-D

We cut back into Frontierland and now I was taking some night shots around the park.  (Brinn so hates this, but is very patient with me... To a point!)  SHE was on the prowl for some popcorn.  Wanted it BAD but every cart we walked past was closing up and the vinegar smell was NOT as appetizing as the popcorn smell she was seeking!  We were now walking around everyone waiting for the second Spectromagic parade, and headed (eventually) for the exit.  As we worked out way down Main Street she had pretty much given up hope on that popcorn, but I had a feeling the one at the entrance would still be open.  We cut across to that exit and Bingo!  Still open and one happy little popcorn snacker. 



We headed on out of the park and over to the bus area.  Bus was pretty quick tonight and we left JUST ahead of the crowd from the parade.  I love beating the crowds!  And sitting on a half full bus is pretty nice too!   We arrived back at the resort and Kristen was out cold, but Maddy was still up and watching TV.  Not supposed to be, but was!  ;-)   Shhhhh don't tell....   Goodnight!

Magic Kingdom Night Pictures

Big Thunder Mountain

Splash Mountain


Spectro Parade
Liberty Belle
Colonial Oak Tree with Lanterns
Small World
Dumbo as a thrill ride!
Looking up at castle from Fantasyland
Castle Walkway
Cinderella Fountain
Main Street from the Castle
Front of Castle


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