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 Disney Princesses

Day 11 - August 4, 2008  
August 4, 2008

Princess Storybook Breakfast
Stormalong Bay Pool
Beaches and Cream

  Stormalong Bay Pool

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Time to get up comes way too early once again today!  With the late night and early morning the old trip report is getting a bit behind.  But I've done pretty good so far, so hopefully I can catch up in a day or two.    Jeff and Corrine are spending the entire day with us, so they came right over to the room again this morning.   They arrived before we were even completely ready, so that was VERY impressive with the late night we had before! 






We all walked over to the International Gateway and quickly moved through bag check and the turnstiles.  It was about 8:20 so of course the park was pretty empty except a few others that had early morning breakfast reservations.  We walked through the store there, and the CM was very nice.  She gave each of the girls special Tinkerbelle pins (I think for being first in the store that morning, or something... I wasn't there when it happened) and told them they needed to do a good deed today.  :-)    Mallory and Jordyn also got First Visit pins. 





Brinn LIKES the potatoes....Then it was off through the empty UK, Canada and Mexico to reach Norway and our Princess Breakfast.  We were called in fairly quickly and then had our picture with Belle.  With a party of eight they let us get two picture packages included.  I REALLY don't like this being forced on you, but not much you can do about that now I guess.  But its just wrong that BREAKFAST is the most expensive meal of the entire trip!  ;-)   I think this just might have been the last princess breakfast for a while....  We'll see if I stick to that or not on future trips.  Maybe its time to try the castle for dinner or something...  :-)




OVER DARE!!! OVER DARE!!Anyway, we saw Belle, Aurora, Jasmine, Snow White and Mulan.  The girls (especially Mallory and Jordyn) were VERY excited to see them all.  I had Jordyn across from me, and she was SO cute as she saw each princess coming.  :-D  "Snow White, Snow White".... "Where Jordyn, I don't see her..."  "Over dare, OVER DARE!"  LOL  :-D   Very fun and worth $30 eggs... OK - the potatoes alone are probably worth $10....   ;-)   At least Brinn thinks so!  They are her absolute favorite! 





Maddy Making some paperAfter seeing all the princesses and finishing up, Jeff and I head out to bypass the check paying portion of the meal.  This keeps the normal money keepers from passing out in shock (at least the Disney Dining experience card brought the total under $200!) and we run off for Soaring Fast passes.  The plan is to meet the girls at Test Track, but by the time we get there they are still at the restaurant.  Moving quickly is NOT a strong suit of this group!  :-D  So, Jeff and I jump in the Orange (full intensity!) line for Mission Space.  Nothing like spinning out of control about 20 minutes after eating your weight in bacon, eggs and potatoes!  But since I skipped the smoked salmon and tomato herring I should be OK.  (Blech!)  Hope Jeff did too!








Fountain FunJeff is excited to try this one, but the MANY MANY warnings have him just a tad concerned... Maybe he DID have the tomato herring....  And the barf bags in the ride itself probably didn't reassure him too much...  :-D  But I told him to just keep his head back and eyes on the screen an all would be right with the world.  And our stomachs! 




NO problem.  It was a good ride and neither of us needed a bag!  Nor did the two young co-riders in our pod with us.  Yay!   We headed on out of the ride and after talking to the girls found them in Innoventions. 






The line for Test Track was already 45 minutes, so we passed on that.  And after that, touring plans pretty much changed course... The kids all loved Innoventions and we spent lots of time in there, and then in Innoventions West.   We also did the Coke Cool Club and RAVED about Beverly so the newbies got to try some.  The faces were oh so worthy of this fine product!  LOL  Poor Corinne was NOT too pleased with this choice but I'm thinking the baby will LOVE it by the time the arrive and get back down there!  :-D  We all had our favoirites by the time we left and headed over to Journey into Imagination.

Time for everyone to see Figment and I think everyone liked the ride except the couple really loud parts.  The young girls aren't too fond of loud noises.  But the play area at the end was another hit.   Then it was time to go Soarin' and we found that Jordyn was too short to ride.  So, Corinne waited with her until we returned and then she and Jeff rode together while the girls all played at the Kidscot station.  Everyone loved this ride, and Jeff was glad to get two chances I think.  :-)   By now it was about 1pm, and the park was a zoo.  WAY long lines for both Living with the Land and when we got over to the Living Seas with Nemo.  It was hot.  And we were tired.  TIME to head on back to the resort for a break.   We didn't do a ton, but the kids loved Innoventions, so that makes it worth it. 

Character Pictures




Snow White
Mary Poppins

The walk back was long and hot and we collapsed in the room for a bit.  Then we all got swim suits on and headed for the pool.  Jordyn was a bit sleepy, but given the choice of swimming or staying with me and taking a nap in the room, she chose pool!  :-D  I KNEW that would work if I volunteered to pay babysitter.  She's a bit attached to mommy at this stage, and wanted to go with her. 





After seeing the pool, and getting a pail and bucket to attack that sand bar she was FINE though!  ;-)   They were playing games with the little kids as we arrived and Mallory and Madison ran off to do those while Brinn and Jordyn played on the sandbar and in the shallow water.  Eventually, we moved over to the deeper sections and worked our way down to the slide area.  It was getting VERY overcast and rain looked imminent.   While several went off to ride the slide (both kiddy and adult) I headed in to get us on the Beaches and Cream list for dinner.  It was early still, around 4pm, so the wait was only 5 or 10 minutes.  I had to hustle out and collect the group to get them back there in time.  



We made it and they arrived pretty quickly as I held out at the tables.   Kristen, the girls and I smartened up and split a meal between us so that we could enjoy dessert!   I splurged and let both Maddy and Brinn get a large sundae of their own this time.  They were so excited and both did a good job on them.  Brinn was FINALLY stuff and stayed that way all evening!  ;-)  Everyone was duly impressed with Beaches and Cream and the good food and GREAT desserts!  Our waiter was amazingly accommodating with all the split meals and even desserts.   He is one of the few I've raised the tip for (about the included 18%).  A very enjoyable and fun meal.

After dinner we split up again.  Brinn, Jeff and I wanted to head back to Epcot.  Everyone else wanted more pool time.  So while they enjoyed the pool, we enjoyed Living with the Land, Spaceship Earth and Test Track.  The line for Test Track was STILL 100 minutes long, and even the fast pass line was backed up at least 20 minutes or so.   Still, we enjoyed the ride and I even remembered to use my Photopass at the end to get the picture on there. 

Called the girls and they were still in the pool, so we headed into World Showcase.  We walked the long way around and hit several countries.  The plan was to meet the girls on the boardwalk tonight.  There is a tandem bike with all our names on it waiting for a test of the hills.  We're DOOMED!   Anyway, called again and they are getting ready, but still not at the Boardwalk, so we have time to stop and watch Illuminations.  Jeff's first time seeing the show, and he seemed to enjoy it.  Then we continued on and walked to the Boardwalk. 

We found the girls watching a magic show again and got to catch the end of it.  He was pretty good and lots of funny crowd interaction.  Then as the crowd thinned just a bit, we headed for the bike stand.  We were able to fit 8 of us on a four pedal bike.  The adults got the pedals with Brinn and Maddy between us, and the little ones got to ride in the front baskets.   Jeff was driving, but I still had a wheel in front of me.  MAN was I trying to steer with that phony wheel.  :-D   But no matter how hard or fast or panicky I pulled, NOTHING.  And we won't even TALK about my need to reach across and grab that brake at times!  LOL   Still, I'm glad it was Jeff driving.  I'm still convinced one of those poor pedestrians would have gotten a free ride on the front of our bike if it was me!

As someone that has complained about the bikes every year, I now have a better understanding and appreciation for their side.  PEOPLE DON'T LISTEN TO THE BELL!   They completely ignore it, and its not easy maneuvering those stupid things.  Manuvering them around a corner and down or up a hill is even worse, and you have to plan WAY in front of you to avoid everyone.  I can't even TELL you how many people, FACING us, still almost walked right in front of us.  Still, we made it around without killing anyone AND WITHOUG PUSHING!  :-D  The first hill to the bridge by Epcot is a small hill, but still your first 'challenge'.  Then around the corning and down the hill is my first heart stopping NEED for wheel and brake access!  Still, no pedestrians flattened so all is right with the world. 

Onward through the oblivious crowds, and then the planning for the BIG hill by the Swan/Dolphin.  THAT is the killer, and we had to get a good start and pedal like crazy to make it.  But we did.  Whew!  That wasn't even so bad....   So, we get cocky and decide to do our second lap!   No problem... Jeff has this thing DOWN, and were weaving around groups and our resident bell and audio horn beepers are working full time in that front basket!  Mallory and Jordyn are doing an OUTSTANDING job of ringing and BEEPING.  Loudly I might add - at everyone and anyone around us!  :-D  So many surprised and possibly SLIGHTLY annoyed looks from those out for a stroll.  ;-)   So onward we go on lap two. 

Uh-oh... the old thighs are burning for the first hill.. huh... that wasn't QUITE as easy as the first time!  :-O   Down around the two wheeling, Hillside of Horror (HoH) drop in front of Beach Club and onward toward the impending Swolphin Hill of Despair (HoD).  Oh man.... I'm a gonna be pushing this time....

Some calls for water, and Jeff turns us in for a pit stop at the Yacht Club marina.  Pulling RIGHT up to the water fountain so I don't even have to get off the bike to drink.  Talk about SERVICE!  :-D   I poo poo'd this stop at first, but it was JUST what the group needed before tackling the HoD again.  A leg stretch and quick walk around (not to mention a drink) was just the ticket.  We loaded back on and started increasing speed for the HoD.  After another two wheel moment turning on to the hill we started puffing and chugging our way up.  I think we can, I think we can... I think I need a bypass... I think we can.... We did it!   Woo hoo and call the surgeon for an appointment in the next few weeks!!!   :-D

Whew!  For YEARS we've wanted to ride those bikes.  And all it took was a young family along to do all the heavy pushing to get us over that hilltop!  :-)  It was SO much fun and everyone really enjoyed it.  We returned the bike in one piece and COMPLETELY free of pedestrian body parts.  What a successful night this had been!  And quite a bit of fun too.  So, it was time to wobble back to the Beach Club.  The little ones were out like a light before we got there and slept for an hour so so while we shared some pictures and chatted.  Then it was time for Jeff and Corinne to head on back and get some sleep.  We're ALL sleeping in tomorrow and blowing off the water park idea again.  Stormalong Bay is walking distance, and plenty of pool for us... Hey, and maybe a pool hop to the Boardwalk is in order....  :-)  Anyway, its way late and time for a good nights rest!  Goodnight!

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