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 Magic Kingdom
Day 8 - August 1, 2008  
August 1, 2008

Check in at Beach Club Villas
Magic Kingdom
Crystal Palace
Stormalong Bay
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Today we check out of the Villas at the Wilderness Lodge and into the Beach Club Villas.  Most everything is packed and I woke up early to finish up and make some breakfast.  After we are all ready we run everything down to the car and I plan to meet the girls at the MK after I check us in over at the Beach Club Villas.   Good plan, except as I'm standing at the check in desk I get a call from Kristen that I forgot to give her their park tickets.  OOOPS. 





So, its hurry and finish checking in (with the very NICE but VERY NEW CM) and run for the bus.  I get there to see that the one bus already their is the Magic Kingdom and start running.  Get there in time, but that bus is PACKED.  I am the absolute LAST person that could possibly get on and I'm JUST behind that dreaded yellow line!  ;-) 






The bus driver welcomes us all to the morning sardine run and we're off for the Magic Kingdom.  At least there's NO way we could stop any place else!








Kristen calls again and they are at the Magic Kingdom and will be waiting for me near the turnstiles.  I meet them there and pass out the tickets to enter the park.  Jeff and Corinne have called and are running just a bit late this morning, so we head on in nd meet them in Fantasyland after riding a couple rides. 






They start out with Dumbo (of course!) and then we go back to see Ariel before the line gets crazy long.  Ariel is Jordyn's favorite and it was fun seeing her with the girls.   After that we hit Peter Pan, Pooh, the Tea Cups, Philharmagic and Small World. 







Jeff, Corrine and Brinn do the Haunted Mansion while Kristen, Mallory, Jordyn and Maddy watch the Country Bears.  *I* run for some fast passes for Big Thunder.   After that we meet up in Adventureland where we split off again to have some do Pirates while the youngsters do the Tiki birds.  Its about time for our Crystal Palace reservation now so Jeff grabs fast passes for Jungle Cruise for his family and we get over to lunch just as the clouds open up for a bit more rain.  TODAY we all have poncho's though, so its not so soggy!  HOT - but not so wet!  :-)




The girls have already checked us in so we head right into the restaurant when Jeff and I arrive with Brinn.  We have a great lunch and watch more rain come down as we eat.  The girls all loved seeing Pooh, Eeyore, Piglet and Tigger.  The food was excellent and we had a very good time with very good service once again. 

Crystal Palace



After lunch, we donned our oh so stylish ponchos and headed for Big Thunder to use those Fast Passes.   We also had some for Splash and Jeff, I, Maddy and - wait for it - BRINN rode on this one!   Yes, our Splash Mountain fearing daughter decided to give it another try since she did Humonga Kowabunga like 5 times the other day at Typhoon Lagoon.  






She was very nervous throughout (both with speeding heartrate and NO heartrate at various points in the ride.  Or so she says...)  but handled it like champ with a smile at the end.  ME?  I lost my hat!!!  D'OH!!!  I know better and had every intention of turning it around for the drop, but Brinn's worries took precedence and I completely forgot while I was winching her down with my left arm.   It flew off right after the picture and hit poor Jeff in the side of the head, but he didn't have any chance to catch it.  Oh well... no pins on there and it time for a new one anyway!  :-) 





After that we were done.  Kristen wanted to get back to the room and they had called around noon to tell us it was ready.  THAT was nice - having them call me this year!  And the room number was even the one I saw the CM right on the key envelope before the manager grabbed it back and crumple up.  :-D 







So, we split off from Jeff and Corinne and headed back to the resort.  That walk to the bus station is much farther than the walk to the Wilderness Lodge boat dock!  ;-)    But only a short wait for the bus to arrive and we were on our way.  We went right up to the room and its a great studio overlooking the pool.  Very nice and again, as close to the elevators as possible and right across from the laundry room.   We have a great pool view and I even saw the MK fireworks from the balcony tonight!  Nice!  But its only for two days and then we're into a one bedroom from Sun - Fri. 




Bell Services brought up the bags pretty quickly and we only unpacked what we needed for a couple days.  Then it was off to the pool for some swimming.  OK - the girls went to the quiet pool while I crashed for about 1.5 hours.  I needed a nap so that I could both hit the pool later AND stay up to type more report that night! 


Once they woke me up we all headed down to Stormalong Bay.  It was pretty empty this evening so we had lots of fun exploring the different sections and doing the slide, lazy river, etc...    The water was almost cool and after soaking in the hot tub for a few minutes it WAS cold even!  The night was beautiful and not as humid and hot as the day had been.  We grabbed a bite to eat at Hurricane Hanna's for dinner and then headed out to the beach where they had a campfire, smores, marshmellows and a movie playing.   The girls stayed down there while I returned to the room to unpack a bit and get going on the trip report.  Its been another fun day and we think we'll just enjoy Storm Along bay tomorrow instead of heading to a water park as planned.  I'm water slided out myself and will prefer swimming here and eating at Beaches and Cream for lunch and dessert!  :-)  yum!  


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