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   Typhoon Lagoon
Day 6 - July 30, 2008  
July 30, 2008

Typhoon Lagoon
Downtown Disney
Disney Quest
Raglan Road

 Downtown Disney 

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Well, the change for the day is that the family decided on Typhoon Lagoon instead of Blizzard Beach.  We just love the wave pool and the Crusher Gusher at TL, and the tropical theming is infinitely more appealing to us northerners!  ;-)   We drove over in the rental car since parking there is quick and easy AND we are headed to Downtown Disney this afternoon after we finish up in the waterpark.







We arrived a bit past 8:40 or so, and there were already lots of people there.  I didn't think they were opening an hour early this year, but it sure looked like they were.  There was already lots of people in the park so the lines were not empy.  Not bad, but not empty.   Towels are still $1 a piece and we easily located a good spot with umbrella (to protect out bags) in case of rain.  Then it was off to Crusher Gusher and 3 rides one on each tube.  This is a great ride, just remember to keep that bottom raised and you'll have a great time!  ;-)





After that Kristen headed for the lazy river and the girls and I headed for the water slides.  They did Humunga Kowabunga a couple times and I passed.  Wedgies that require surgical removal are to be avoided in my book.  But I pointed and laughed as they tugged their suits back to socially acceptable locations after each ride.  :-D  No pictures though.  That would be rude, AND I left the camera in a nice safe DRY location.  Darn it!  LOL






We hit slides all around the park from the right side toward the left.  The family raft at Gangplank Falls was about the longest line at 20 minutes or so.  But this was early and the crowds were not here yet.  We finished all the slides we wished to ride and then let the Lazy River take us back to our area of the park.  There we found Kristen and after a short swim and another ride on Crusher Gusher it was time for some lunch.  We hit the Leaning Palm and the food was pretty good.  The birds weren't too bad near us until a brainiac decided to feed them and brought in about 50 or so...  Thwap, Thwap, THWAP to the stupid tourists.  ;-) 





After lunch Brinn wanted some more slide time and Maddy and I hit the Lazy river for a once around.  Just as we wereT returning to our starting point the heavens opened up and it started to rain.  We arrived back at the umbrella, but no Kristen or Brinn.  We lounged in a chair unti they returned, and with the some heavier ran and then the thunder and lightening started.  OK - time to go! 








We packed everything up and headed for the showers.  After we were ready the storm was passing of course, and they reopened the swimming areas.  But that's OK.  We're coming back on Saturday anyway and will spend some more quality pool time then!  :-) 



We head on out of the park, and its just a short jump over to Disney Quest from there.  We headed inside for the very first time ever!  We enjoyed the games and rides.  Drawing the characters was fun (Pluto) and then we did the Cyber Space Mountain.  THAT was fun!  Designing and then riding your own coaster is a blast!  :-)









We also did Buzz Astro Blasters, more games, the comix one and Pirates (which was also very good).   We had fun, but too soon it was time to head out for our 5pm reservation at Raglan Road.  We have never eaten there before and I'm looking forward to it.  We are seated pretty quickly and the waitress gets our order.  Its not terribly busy but the food takes a pretty good length of time, but we aren't bothered too much. 



Still, the waitress thinks we've had to wait way too long so she removes the charges for both kids meals!  Very nice of her and with no irritation or prompting from us.  MUCH nicer customer service than good old San Angel Inn I have to say!  ;-)


The food was good and I enjoyed my Shepard Pie.  Very good.  We didn't have room for dessert so headed out after we finished.  It was getting busier as the night went on and the number of people in the shopping district was really picking up! 





We walked down to the Market place and hit all our favorites.  World of Disney, The Christmas Shop, the Toy Store and a bunch of others.   The girls bought out WoD and then had a blast filling two boxes of Mr. Potato Head parts at the Toy Store.  We now have like $60 worth of parts for those things, so they better be playing with them often!  ;-) 

Then it was time to head back.  We stopped at Haagen Daz for some >$30 for 4 people ice cream! :-O  Yikes!  But it was good!  And we talked to our friends that arrived safe and sound from NY today.  We plan to meet them at Disney Studios in the morning, so I need to wrap this up and get off to bed!  Night!

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