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  Wilderness Lodge Pool
Day 5 - July 29, 2008    
July 29, 2008

Pool Time
Disney Studios
Disney Hollywood Studios 
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 It was a rough night with both kids up and not feeling well.  But sleeping in until almost 10am seemed to fix them up and we just turned today around a bit.  Morning and early afternoon will be pool time and afternoon evening will be the Studios. 









We got moving pretty slowly and arrived down at Roaring Fork for a bite to eat right around noon.  Once again the food was pretty good and plenty to fill us all up for around $30.   Then it was out to the pool where we did NOT make the kids wait 45 minutes before they could swim.  Mom would be faint....  :-D  Happy to say there were no cramps nor calls for help from any of us.  Well, maybe a few from Maddy, but that was because I kept dunking her or when we were playing tag....  ;-) 







After getting good and waterlogged we decided to price hair wraps for the girls.  There hair is pretty long these days and I knew I was in for sticker shock.  At $2 an inch it adds up fast.  Add in the fact that you also have to pay for beads and it was around $40 a kid!  :-O  Yowch!  Still, they keep them for several weeks even after vacation so I gave in and coughed up the cash.  Pushover! 







It was starting to rain by the time they were both done, and I was pretty waterlogged so I headed up to the room.  The girls were pretty close behind because the little rainstorm quickly turned into a torrential downpour of biblical proportions.  Or at least it looked that way from how LOUD the rain was and how MUCH was pouring out of the gutters on the Wilderness Lodge!  :-O

It didn't last too long though, and by the time we all cleaned up (both the unit and ourselves) it was no longer raining and even on again off again sunny.  We were heading off to the Studios by 2:30 or so, and knew it would be busy even with the rain.  We were NOT wrong.  The park was still very busy and we beelined back to check the Toy Story Mania line.  ALL the Fast Passes were long gone and the wait listed at 90 minutes.  Nope.  No way would Kristen even consider waiting for that.  We'll just Fast Pass it next time.





We headed on around the park, and there were a LOT of people milling about.  I think both the 3pm parade AND the Stunt show let out very close together because there were crowds of people all over the place!  As we walked past Muppets I saw the door open and people being waved in.  Good enough for me, lets hit this one!  :-D  We were just in time to fill the back of the room and watched the preshow from almost the start.  Then on into the theatre to watch the same people that crowded past everyone walk right to the middle and plop down without moving all the way across the row in a VERY full theatre.  I had to LOL because I made a comment in the preshow that they would almost certainly do this in the show!  :-D  Ah, what would be do without selfish, entileists shoving their ways through the parks... it sure would be great to find out!  :-D




Anyway, Muppets was good.  The 3D in this is getting dated since its just so much better in Philharmagic, but its still a fun show.  After it let out we walked up to Star Tours and found the 45 minute wait a bit long for our liking, so we grabbed a couple Fast Passes and then took some pictures of the girls on the speeders out front.  They do this yearly, so its always something we try to do. 


Then it was on to The Great Movie Ride.  The line wasn't terrible, but the theatre portion was full from top to bottom so it too at least 20 - 30 minutes total before we rode.   Not terrible, but not a walkon like we were getting used to!  ;-)   The ride was pretty good, but this one could really use an update or three.  Gets tired being the same year after year.  The kids don't hardly even hide during the Alien scene anymore!  ;-)

After that it was time for our Star Tours return.  Did I mention the Fast pass return time was less of a wait that the standby line?  I never could understand when that happened!  Star Tours was good, but where they split the Fast Pass is WAY too early.  We waited quite a while on the left had side - it seemed to be running much slower than the right side.  Still - we got there eventually and enjoyed a fun flight.  The images and sound from the other ships was not working correctly though.  You didn't get the feedback from the other pilots as you usually do... Guess it was having a few problems.

We headed down after the ride to check out all the cool Star Wars toys.  LOTS of great things I'd love to add to my already WAY too big collection, but still....  :-)  I mean, who DOESN'T need a working R2D2 robot for their home?  And those Tater characters are ALL must haves!  :-D  Oh, and I almost forgot... In the Muppets store I found a muppets version of the star wars characters.  All lots of fun! 

By now we were getting hungry, but had no reservations.  Thought about counter service, but felt more like a sit down.  Mama Melrose didn't have any openings, but Hollywood and Vine did.  Not a character meal for dinner so that was good.  The girls are past the desire to see the Playhouse Disney crowd these days!  ;-)  The food was very good and the waitress friendly and efficient!  Yay!  ;-)  OK - she was a little slow bringing the bill when we were done, but that was because she was busy getting drinks for a party of around 12 or 15 sitting next to us.  And she was there quickly as soon as that was taken care of!  :-)

After dinner it was time for a bit of shopping.  Then we checked Toy Story Mania again. LOTS of people back there and still a 90 minute wait.  No thanks.  But we walked right into Prince Caspian so that was OK.  :-)  Then we walked up to RnR and ToT.  50 minute wait for both was listed, so Kristen and Brinn headed back to look in more stores while Maddy and I headed to Tower of Terror.  Turned out to be about a 30+ minute wait, and the Fast Pass line was just as long and moving almost as slowly as our side!  Guess they got behind earlier in the day or something.   We had fun on the ride and it was a good one with LOTS of bounces and some quality air time.  I love this ride and so does Maddy.  We found a Photopass photographer while working our way back to Brinn and Kristen and I hope the picture came out OK... We'll see...

Kristen and Brinn were in the store with the build your own Mr. Potato Head and Brinn was filling a box.  She decided she HAD to have this one and was excited seeing how much she could cram in that box!  She got a LOT in there and then we headed on out of the park.  Once again by skipping the fireworks (well, Fantasmic...) we were the only people on the bus.  NICE quiet ride back to the resort and while Kristen hit the resort store for a new book, I took the girls into the arcade.  We had game cards from last trip still with some cash on them so we had fun playing games.  After awhile we headed up to the room to get settled for the night.  Tomorrow will be Typhoon Lagoon (I think) in the morning and Downtown Disney in the afternoon.  The kids have been dying to get to DD all week!  :-)   Night!

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