Tagrel.com - Magic is only a Mouse Away!

Wilderness Lodge Pool
Day 2 - July 26, 2008
July 26, 2008

Magic Kingdom
Liberty Tree Tavern Dinner

Magic Kingdom

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contempory constructionI was up around 6:30 to shower and work on the trip report a bit while the girls slept in until around 7:30 or so.  They woke up pretty easy this morning and were excited to be headed to the Magic Kingdom for the first time!   We timed it pretty well and only waited a short time at the docks for the first boat.  It came shortly before 8:30am and was pretty full when we left.  They seem to have changed things a bit and it just went straight to the Magic Kingdom without the stop at Fort Wilderness.  The return boats were doing the same, which I have to say I like much better than going to both resorts.



grand Floridian is beatiful in the morning lightThe weather is beautiful this morning.  Pretty warm already, but not unbearable by any means.  Nice and sunny and the humidity is again - there, but not stifling yet.  We arrive at the Magic Kingdom quickly.  Work is progressing on the new Contemporary (not willing to admit its a DVC) building, but I didn't have a good angle for a picture since the boat came the 'back' way.  I'll try again later... 




Dad and Mad on DumboSecurity was quick and painless as was using the AP's to get into the park.  We waited until opening and then headed back to Fantasyland which is our usual route.  I do love the non-early entry days since the guests head every which way and FantasyLand had ZERO lines while we were there.  This morning will be short since we want some pool time and have to be back by 5pm for dinner at the Liberty Tree Tavern. 





Mom and Brinn on DumboSo we hit Dumbo, Snow White, Peter Pan and then decide to go to Haunted Mansion (ZERO line!), Big Thunder (Walkon!), and then we split off with Maddy and Kristen doing Splash (10 minute wait) and Brinn and I doing Big Thunder two more times (no wait!) and arriving in time to get a picture of Maddy and mom coming down the big drop!  :-)  Nice!  





Peter Pan rideWe headed for pirates and found Peter and Wendy posing for pictures and jumped in line there as well.  Only one other family ahead of us.  The characters even talked to the girls a bit which was a nice change from the usual hurried interactions!  Is this July or January???  :-D  No complaints, its been AWESOME so far.  The crowds are definitely lower in my opinion than even last year, and we were here in August last year! 





Peter Pan, Brinn, Maddy and WendyNext it was on pirates and yes - a walk on!  Its probably 10:30 by now and still the lines aren't bad at all.   We continue on to Aladdin's Magic Carpets and only waited one ride before we had our turn.  And our timing gods are smiling again because we hear a CM saying that Jasmine and Aladdin are coming out for pictures in just a couple minutes.  We were second in line and once again the girls had some good interaction time with the characters. 




Girls on splash MountainIts almost 11 am, so we head back across the park to catch an early lunch at The Plaza.  We love their sandwiches here and the desserts are AWESOME.  At 11:20 they were able to seat us immediately and at least HALF the tables in there were empty.  (We didn't have a reservation for this meal)  The meal was great and the desserts VERY good.  And 20% off with the Disney Dining Experience (DDE) card was very welcome now that Brinn pays adult prices.  She loved that full size meal, drink and dessert.  ESPECIALLY the dessert - although she could not finish it.  None of us could... We each have half a brownie sitting in the fridge! 



Brinn in the poolAfter that it was time to head back for some pool cooling!  Its getting hotter but still pretty tolerable.  At least in the shade...  We walked through the stores where Brinn found a bag she wanted for school and a couple Jibitiz for her Crocs.  Then Kristen started getting pool anxious and hurried us off to the boat!   More happy line gods as the boat was already there and we even made it in time without running.  :-D







Leave pool for nap?  :-(We quickly changed and headed back down to the quiet pool.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... THAT felt good!  We swam for a bit, but it was pretty clear Maddy was tired today.  She didn't sleep great last night, and since we didn't want her wiped out starting the week decided a nap was in order. 







Oh yeah, She needed that nap!She went fairly willingly so we know she was pooped!  Gave me a bit of Trip Report time and soon Kristen and Brinn returned.  They had hit the main pool for a while and found it pretty busy.  Lifeguards were saying it was running at capacity lately... I'm sure that happens often in the summer months. 


Time to get ready to head back to the Magic Kingdom....

Castle view up main streetCaught the boat back to the MK and headed up main street in a very light rain.  Nothing too much and we found a couple PhotoPass photographers to take our picture in front of the castle in a few places.  :-)  Have to fill up that CD I pre-purchased!  ;-)    As we were working our way toward the Liberty Tree Tavern for dinner we stopped in the Christmas shop to duck out of the rain as it picked up a little bit.    About half way through the store the cell phone rings and its a Website-Trip report stalker!  :-O   No, just turns out to be Moley giving me a hard time and checking up on us before dinner!  :-D   The girls pretty much grabbed the phone away to chat with Moley for a few minutes and then I got to talk a bit more before needing to head into dinner.  Thanks for the call Moley!  :-)





Whole family with MinnieThere was NO line at the LTT, and they even had people outside that looked like they were trying to drum up business...  We were seated about 15 minutes early and very quickly which was nice.  The park seems busy, but not JULY busy.  Still, it filled up and was hopping by the time we left around 6pm.  Dinner was very good as always and the waiter kept us in lots of drinks and brought out anything we needed more of.  The characters were fun and we saw Dale, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto and Chip.  There was a LOT of roudy people in the restaurant tonight, so the energy level was quite high and lots of fun.  Noisy, but fun!  I'll really miss when they stop the character meals for dinner in here.  Its a favorite of ours, and won't be the same without the characters. 




Oh, and Maddy STILL LOVES that mac and Cheese... Here she is today

And here she is on her first trip ever!  Pretty much looks JUST the same!  :-D



Girls and GoofyWe headed out after our fine meal and the rain had moved on.  We had not done anything in Tomorrowland yet, so we headed there.  Fast Passes for Space Mountain were already for a 9:30 return time, but we still grabbed them.  We then did the Transit Authority, Buzz and Carousel of Progress.  No lines except Buzz, and that was only about 15 minutes if that.  More like 10 I think... 







Brushin' Brinn with BuzzWe got a picture with Buzz, and Brinn has been tasked by her dentist to get pictures of her brushing her teeth in strange places.  Kristen thought with Buzz would be good, so she pulled her toothbrush out of her fanny pack and tried to explain to the CM what she was doing.  :-D  He classified it as the strangest picture of the year!  ;-)  Brinn was a tad embarrassed but it was still funny.  I think she should have a BIG tooth brush for the characters to use as well!  Wonder how many times we're going to do this, this trip! 






Mommy and Maddy on the Transit AuthorityCarousel of Progress actually had a pretty good load so that was good to see.  It still a great place to cool off and I DO like the attraction.  I hope it sticks around a long time!  It was still only about 7pm so we headed over to Toon Town.   We walked around and through the store and then rode Barnstormer with about a 15 minute wait.  Short coaster, but still fun.   Then we made the girls climb in the port holes on Donald's boat for pictures.  We did this when they were about 5 or 6 and it was funny watching them try to do it now.  :-D  I'll have to dig up those old photos to see the then and now versions...






Brinn and Daddy on the Transit AuthorityWe decided that it would actually be a good night to get back to the resort and then head off to Wal- Mart for some groceries.  We have NOTHING in the room, and I can't STAND having no munchies or especially WATER in the room.  So, we decided to leave with Maddy throwing a minor fit over missing out on Space Mountain today.  We found 4 teens that were happy to have the fastpasses though so they won't go to waste.  We'll be back tomorrow so Space Mountain is HIGH on the priority list or Maddy will be rebelling! 







Headed back to the Wilderness LodgeWe headed out to wait for the boat, and a CM entertained everyone waiting in line with his singing various Disney songs.  And he was actually pretty good!  It was fun and everyone enjoyed it until the boat arrived.  Then our captain of the boat was a younger one but one with an eye for standup comedy.  He delivered quips all the way back to the resort.  I asked if he had his eye on driving for the Jungle Cruise, but that just got an OUCH in response!  :-D  Sorry, his humor WAS better!  ;-)

We headed right out to get the car from valet and they quickly pulled it around.  Off we went to Wal-Mart on 535 and OMG was it busy off site.  Even Downtown Disney was packed with lots 1 and 2 showing full by 9pm.   Traffic going up (and back) on 535 was crazy busy and Wal-Mart was a ZOO.  I'm used to Wal-Mart's being busy, but this was BUSY!  The food aisles were very picked over.  Bottled water was wiped out to the point that I had to stop at Crossings for water bottles that weren't flavored!  Wal-Mart was sold out!  And yes, Crossings is still CRAZY Expensive so avoid it if at all possible. 

Back to the resort to carry up the groceries and put everything away.  I think I drank half a gallon of water I was so thirsty tonight.  And I need more right now!  I just can't drink enough water down here.  So, at this rate, the weeks worth of water should last at least a couple days!  :-D

After that it was lights out for a good nights sleep before tomorrow.  Its back to MK because I think its actually less busy hitting the NON-early entry park because the entire park is open.  We'll see if tomorrow morning in the MK is as good as it was today.  Goodnight! 



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